Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Aug 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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Well today is the second time I got a notice from CDCR that their system had been breached and that my data was in the breached stuff. Both times were occasioned by someone calling me and using my status to try to scam or harass me. I’m starting to wonder what I can do about it except just visit the local gym and mess up a punching bag.
I haven’t been on this website in while. Long story short, I’m the wife of a PFR. We have lived in this apartment with our two kids, one special needs for the last 3 years. My husband has a 1203.4 and is still on that godforsaken list. It was almost impossible for us yo find this apartment and the only reason we did was because this one doesn’t conduct background checks.
The property manager did something very out of character today and got mad that one of our employees was apparently blocking a parking space (he wasn’t, but I guess a tenant complained). The manager took a picture of the vehicle and said he’s gonna take it down to city hall to file a complaint. We profusely apologized and said we’d work with employees on the street from now on and he said, “find a different apartment.” We’re on a month to month lease so they have every right to tell us to leave with and we’d have 30-90 days to leave. I’m convinced our new neighbors/ the new tenants are just complaining about my husband being in the registry because we’ve never had issues here prior to them moving in.
That said, are there any landlords in southern California who would be willing to accommodate a family of 4? This conviction is over 10 years old and me naive self with my forgiving nature didn’t think this was going to be an issue for us. I’m so uncomfortable being here rn, I just want this to end. I’ve thought of filing for divorce, not because I don’t love him, but we have incidents with with this at least 3 times a year. Whether that be a job firing him, friends and family finding out, and now this, I can’t handle this stress anymore. I’m shaking from this. My cortisol is through the roof. I’m scared for my OWN kids. I can’t handle this stress anymore.
Not trying to start another argument on here if it was the right decision or not, in regards to the DC March in well, March. this group is still going, don’t know if this will be any use to yaw.
I’m sure it will be posted here soon, but good news I found on the FAC website:
PA: HUGE WIN!!! – SORNA Declared Unconstitutional
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Holy &@$#! is this amazing!! JUST READ THE JUDGE’S WORDS!!
The court wrote, “we find that SORNA is unconstitutional as a legislative scheme in both its use of a constitutionally infirm irrebuttable presumption and the punitive effects of its registration and notification provisions, as well as in its application to this Defendant, who has a strong support structure, is educated, is working, is an excellent candidate for rehabilitation, and is highly unlikely to reoffend”
The Court also found that “based on the evidence of scientific and academic consensus resented, we find that SORN laws do not have the effect on recidivism and public safety anticipated by the Legislature, and that they are not rationally related to the purposes for which they were enacted.”
Pennsylvania trial court has declared sorna unconstitutional!
New Person – This somehow touches on what you have been saying about not ever addressing the California “Right To Privacy” argument. In this case, it is about the right to one’s reputation, which I believe is closely related to the “Right To Privacy”. Secondly, it brings up Dr Hanson and his Risk Assessment tool again. How can we use the Static-99R and read the Coding Rules and not see that Dr Hanson himself shows that the recidivism rate drastically reduces with every year of offense free time, and on the other hand we keep hammering on the “Frightening and High”? Which one is it? If they say that the recidivism rate for registrants is frightening and high, then they blatantly disregard Dr Hanson’s studies while at the same time they are using his very study as a criteria to place people in Tier 3. This is the biggest hypocrisy I have ever seen.
As I read various state statutes I notice a trend. Some states want an out of state person who is visiting to register if he/she “intends” to temporary reside in a location for a set number of days. Since when has one’s thoughts and not actions require one to register? How can this be constitutional? The government wants to track people for their thoughts?
And on another note, I noticed in one state, possessing a child like sex doll is a sex crime that requires the person to register for the safety of the community. I think possessing and using a child like sex doll is weird and is not mentally healthy but does the government have the right to block that person’s right to the pursuit of happiness if that person is not harming anyone? Is that person a danger to society if that person is not harming anyone else? In this state the manufacturer and distributor are also required to register. So is every employee of the out of state manufacturer required to register in this state?
If you take a train from California to Chicago are you entering states requiring you to register after a few days? Or because you have no address you r ok.
Does Alaska keep you on the registry if you visit for a few days? Anyone have any experience with visiting Alaska?
The statute says you must register if there is presence in the state. The law enforcement agency website has a form for people visiting less than 30 days that has to be completed and submitted either prior to visiting or within 3 days after arriving if I correctly remember.
If the statute states one only has to register if present in the state, I can leave and would presume I no longer have to provide any information after I leave. But, that does not mean I still will not be on the registry after I leave and no longer have to provide any information as I am aware some states will leave you on the registry after you no longer have presence in the state and after you no longer provide information.
Their are hundreds of thousands of humans on the registry by this computer machine? Sounds like the government has a market on this by deceptive means. Did anyone ever think that governments are making a Mockery of all this at others expense? Janice can tell you as she has did in the past. The punishment must fit the crime.
If one commits a crime they should do the time, yet who is being enticed by this ordeal, who is being intimidated by this ordeal or seduced. Is that the way authorities do it today. Setting others up.. Sounds like a gangster type of a con in and of itself. That right there is not a Christian authority or a Christian nation. Now if someone smashes into someone’s car that is a bit different as your using one machine to crash into another.Doesn’t sound like sound doctrine to me or do actions speak louder than words.
“People” who support Registries for anyone are garbage. Let’s all make sure that they get what they deserve. Actively look for those “people” every day and do anything you can to disrupt their lives. They are harassers who deserve it.
Was reading an article written by a professor in England. He was studying the effects of general internet usage and video gaming specifically on a person’s actions in public. He made an interesting statement in the article. When asked if C.P. viewing made a person more likely to commit a sexual offense, he responded,
“Well, do you play video games where you kill the opposing person(s)? Now, are you going to go kill a person in reality? No. The same is true for the viewing of any subject on the internet. The factors that cause the person to be attracted to a subject matter can not be proven to translate to real world actions as it relates to the subject viewed. The brain just does not work that way.”
He then stated that as a rule, the overwhelming majority of so called sex offenders have been found to be non violent people. He added that even though he had not studied the British National registry specifically, he did not feel it was in any way constructive based its implementation.
We have support from scholars around the globe.
Came across this very interesting article that surely is not really news. In it it says, that the DOJ can’t oversee a large database like this. Really? They seem to think they can oversee 1 million registrants!
Police officers in the US were charged with more than 400 rapes over a 9-year period
You know folks actually Tim n WI is right its all about the database. Guess none of us on here actually understood what his brain matter holds. And I thought tweeters and woofers were mufflers for cars to down out muffler sounds. One could just image going to court and saying your honor its all about how you use the database to muzzle the ox or how one treads corn flakes. With that theory I’m sure one could win at anything he accomplishes . So who is getting the upper hand in everything but the stain is still their, the guilt is still their.
Sure we can all use this blame game type understanding but I don’t know anyone that has a perfect ACT score or a perfect score in government science misuse and/or abuse but their are many abuse out their. When fiction becomes reality who is trying one’s thoughts, who know’s our thoughts , or is government usurping many in this registry conflict that is all about the database of someones mind or make-up of carnal behavior. Talk about carnal justice as opposed to criminal justice and one has a new rule book to goverern with. Guess the commandments don’t mean anything to American Justice of unjust decision.
It’s just a waiting game for me at this point they can’t hold me forever, even if I was tier 3 I could never except the fact that I must register for life.
Before SB384 I had planned on Fleeing to Mexico but started reading articles about people who already tried, they all we’re hunted down and captured or they gave themselves up and returned back to the US.
I think PFR need to realize the only way out of this situation is to fight back publicly, hiding in the shadows isn’t changing nothing I remember when Janice and ACSOL would throw peaceful protest throughout California I remember thinking how brave they were I was afraid to show up because I didn’t want any of my coworkers or people in my neighborhood or friends to see me on the news so I didn’t attend And the funny part about that is they all found out about my past anyway.
So please donate if can, show up speak up don’t scared what More can they do to us if they have already done
I’d like to bring this to everyone’s attention:
Ask Joe: why the delay in confirming officer involved in shooting in Wadsworth? | KRNV (
Although there have been updates to this widely reported incident, the fundamental questions remain. One is why was the chase initiated in the first place?
I chose this link, because it seems Mr. Hart is interested in some answers. You can do your own searches to figure out why I am posting this here.
I knew this dude at Coal Canyon High School. (Again, do your own search to read between the lines.) What I will say here is that I think he and his family do deserve some answers. R.I.P., Red.
I’m here almost every day reading and joining in on the conversations. But I have been living an absolute nightmare for almost 6 months now. Its causing me a lot of stress, I can’t eat, I can’t sleep.
This may be lengthy so bear with me.
Ever since I have been out of prison, I have been doing everything I can to stay out of trouble. I haven’t even gotten so much as a traffic ticket. Its just a road I won’t go down again. There have been struggles along the way. Finding work, dealing with harassment, having my car vandalized. All the typical stuff ,most of us have experienced.
It took a long time, but the job I’m at now is the best thing that ever happened to me. I started out as a contract to hire. I worked 7 months for the agency, and my agent knows my past. She told me to keep that to myself and let my work ethics speak for itself. So I did. My boss is the VP of operations here. Its a private company that is growing very fast. The pay is amazing, the owner is an amazing guy, the workers are like family.
After I was hired off my contract and got to know my boss and the owner, I went to them and told them about my past. I explained that it wasn’t my intention to hide anything, only that I wanted them to see me for who I am today. It went very well. My boss basically said the past is the past and since working here I haven’t done anything that would make them question their decision to hire me. He said my past is between me, him and the owner and no one else needs to know. The owner is the same way. He said I’m doing an amazing job and to keep up the good work. Really great guys.
I’m in a position of authority here. I also have been given more and more responsibility and trust. I have access to some company funds to use as I see fit towards providing things for the company. I actually hold 2 positions here, my main position, and I am also the facilities manager. I take care of anything that needs to be repaired or upgraded. Basically if something breaks, I contact someone to come in to repair it if its something I cannot do myself. I also approve the payments towards any repairs.
The pay is amazing. I’m not rich, but I’m very comfortable.
My main position requires use of a computer. I try to limit personal use of it, but occasionally I browse on my own time, such as coming to this site.
Back in February I was checking my personal gmail because I knew I had some bills coming up, and was going to pay them real quick and get back to work. I saw an email from my electric company and it had a link saying “click here to go to your account”. Nothing unusual because that’s how it works in gmail. So I clicked on it to pay my bill, but the email turned out to be malware. My computer started going nuts. A bunch of command prompt windows started opening up, then my browser started opening tabs after tabs after tabs showing porn websites and such. Not really your typical sites, but stuff that is questionable. I remember a couple of them saying something like “candy dolls” and “little lolitas”. I was clicking to close tabs as fast as I could but they kept opening. Eventually I was able to gain control by just holding the power button and rebooting my computer into safe mode. I ran a scan and my computer found and quarantined the malware. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Now I do not even look at porn any more. I haven’t for years. My girlfriend keeps me more than happy so I don’t need it. But these site that opened up are things I would NEVER even dream of looking at.
I wrote it off as just an incident and forgot about it. But back in March when I was once again checking my gmail, I noticed some emails to me that said “to me”. I was wondering what that was about. I checked one and it said “click here for your payment” with a link. I didn’t. I just deleted it. It looked like me email address was spoofed because the sending address was my own. I saw 5 or 6 more so I opened the next one to see what it said, with no intentions of clicking anything in it. There was no attachment in the email, but when I opened it to read, there were pictures. Horrible pictures that are illegal if you know what I mean. The sending email again was my own email. I immediately deleted it after my heart started beating again. I didn’t open any more emails. Instead, I just started deleting them. As I was deleting, my browser froze up and a notification popped up saying something along the lines of “Your google account has been disabled and a report sent to the national center for exploited children”. I could no longer access anything. My google account, me gmail, my youtube channel. I thought at first it was just a scam. I’ve been targeted before with emails demanding bitcoin or my criminal record would be given to my employer. I never responded to them.
I kind of forgot about this incident for a month or two. I just made a new google account and gmail and switched my bill payments over to the new one. But now for the past couple weeks, what happened has been haunting me. I would NEVER in a million years look for pictures like those, and I would certainly NEVER put them in my email. I know google regularly scans gmail for illegal stuff. I’m not stupid.
But the stress over this has been horrible. Its been almost 6 months since that happened and I’m reading more and more here about guys getting busted for having that stuff in their emails. I finally told my boss and the owner about it Monday. My boss seems to think its someone trying to scam me. The owner thinks I’m being targeted by someone. The believe me 100% that I didn’t put that stuff in my email. I told them I would NEVER do anything to jeopardize the company, because if this is for real, and the IP address is tracked down, they’re going to come take computers, and since gmail is verified by a phone number, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out who the owner of that gmail was. Also with all my bill payment information in there. I also told the owner about what happened to my computer and that I was worried that maybe something got imprinted on the hard drive. He said he knows a guy with a shady past who used to hack computers, but went straight and worked for the NSA for a while before starting his own IT company. He said he would talk to him next time he sees him and have him take a look at my computer for me and get rid of anything that shouldn’t be there.
My boss believes me without question because I’m telling the truth.
But I am scared shitless (sorry mods). What if this isn’t just a scammer? What if its for real, since I can no longer access that google account? Its been 6 months and I can’t live like this because I know I didn’t do anything wrong. With my past, which isn’t cp, how would I ever defend myself? I would NEVER take a plea because I did not do this. I would be screwed and never see the light of day again. What about those websites that popped up? It showed up in my search history, and even though I clear my cache regularly, the internet company would probably still have records.
I’ve worked too hard to get where I am today and I just cannot go down for something I didn’t do, but from the research I’ve done about things like this, the “evidence” would be damning.
I haven’t talked to my girlfriend about this yet because I don’t know how she would handle it. But I’ve spoken to her parents and they both believe I’m being targeted. They both know my past but are good people and respect and like me a lot.
I have some money, but no where enough to hire a good attorney if it comes to that. My life as I know it would be over.
Anyone have any ideas?